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Any Size Mirror is a Dictator

performed at: chashama, Dixon Place, ISSUE Project Room, Flux Factory, Firehouse Space, Momenta Art

collaborators: Panoply Performance Laboratory, Esther Neff, Lindsey Drury

Any Size Mirror is a Dictator

3 years of interdisciplinary processes theorizing that “any size mirror is a dictator.” A collaboration between PPL and drearysomebody (Lindsey Drury).

Here is an aria from “Any Size Mirror is a Dictator” written for and sung by Ellen O’Meara with bass by Matthew Gantt, drums by Butch Merigoni, and Piano by Brian McCorkle, words by Esther Neff:

Emphasizing and intentionally highlighting the paradoxes and problems that arise from attempts to reflect, we practice futile and tragic acts of construction. We play out inevitable decays of social groupings into fascistic systems as the result of any closed mirror for “a” culture, regardless of its methodology for closure.

Music composition is by Brian McCorkle, Choreography by Lindsey Drury, Libretto text and direction by Esther Neff, project conceptualization and production in collaboration. Performances/processes during Governor’s Island Art Fair, chashama’s Harlem Art Factory Fest, at CORA dance, Gibney Dance, Dixon Place, ISSUE: Project Room during the Movement Research Spring Festival, 2014, during AUNTS, at Flux Factory, Firehouse Space, and in sketch form as duo performances by Esther Neff and Brian McCorkle at IV Soldiers, Grace Exhibition Space, songs written for and through performance practices 2012-2014.

Any Size Mirror is a Dictator found its climax in a 6-week installation at Momenta Art as an exhibition in which performers inhabited the gallery. Whenever the gallery was open, we were performing the opera.